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Thursday 8 May 2008

Edward Abington: Political Prostitute

Edward Abington: Political Prostitute"-

The American Diplomat in Arafat’s Corner,” published in The Jerusalem Report, came as no

surprise to me. It was referring to Edward Abington, Jr., the United States’ former consul

general in Jerusalem who is now “guiding the Palestinians through the labyrinths of

Washington. And his firm is being paid $2.25 million for his expertise.”

Allow the following information to shed light on his less than faithful service to American


“Dear Congresswoman Kaptur: Thank you for your valuable assistance in my pursuit of

justice! It’s wonderfully refreshing to see some public servants truly helping out their

fellow Americans.

It’s obvious from Mr. Abington, Jr.’s letter to you that he has strongly held political

views that prefers the continued occupation of JUDAISM’S MOST HOLY SITE - the Temple Mount

- by militant Muslims. Such radical views enable the Muslim extremists to continue to pose

a threat to religious Jews and Christians who merely hope to pray on the site…

However historically or biblically inaccurate Mr. Abington, Jr’s views are, I believe he is

entitled to them. I do not believe his personal views ought to interfere with his public

duty. It appears he has DELIBERATELY IGNORED every relevant FACT that PROVED my arrest

amounted to political and religious PERSECUTION.

As honestly reported in The Jerusalem Post article he referred to, I wasn’t

interrogated…by 6 different SECRET SERVICEMEN about the TEMPLE MOUNT because of an

“expired visa!” I charged Ms. Leech (his assistant) with complicity in their unjust actions

against me for going along with their lie that my visa was expired and for turning a blind

eye to their undemocratic ways. I’d given her a letter for Mr. Abington, Jr. to PROTEST MY

POLITICAL ABUSE AND RELIGIOUS MISTREATMENT. Since he never bothered to respond, I’m not

sure he even received it.

It was difficult to deal with Ms. Leech…since she was quite antagonistic, contending that

Israel wanted to deport me because “you wanted to blow up the mosque.” When I protested

that simply was NOT TRUE, she angrily ordered her assistant, “Go see what he’s charged

with.” He came back and said, “Visa violation.” So she KNEW the real reason I was in jail

was for being a member of the Temple Mount Faithful, but later went along with their LIE

about my visa…

Mr. Abington, Jr. falsely accused me of being proud about my imprisonment. I’m not proud of

it nor ashamed, but I do believe in making the most out of a bad situation…Why shouldn’t

I use my horrible experience to underscore and further the JUST CAUSE of the Temple Mount

Faithful? How could anyone fail to understand this?…After all, it’s the TEMPLE Mount, not

the mosque mount!

Is it too much for an INNOCENT AMERICAN to expect his government to stand up for him? All

I’ve requested from the beginning is for the Consul General to STRONGLY PROTEST my unjust

imprisonment and deportation. They know what I say is the truth, but because of their

hostile views, they’re playing deaf, dumb and blind to the fact that I was a


Frankly, they’re upset that I refused to go like a lamb to slaughter, but roared like a

lion instead - exposing Peres’ corruption and their complicity. I will continue to seek

justice until it is found….”

Edward Abington: Political Prostitute

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