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Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Too Pretty to Fly bring up to date

Southwest says performance, not prettiness caused the trouble

Previous week we roofed Nisreen Swedberg and Sarah Williams' run-in with the extended arm of Southwest's security. Were the girls being profiled? Does being youthful and beautiful equal hassle to Southwest?

"The girls claim they're being discriminated against because they're young and beautiful, which they are. They're sure their current situation has nothing to do with the obscenities they were swapping with another passenger after a bathroom incident."

"It is significant to elucidate a little points:

  1. The two ladies are not "barred" from ever traveling on Southwest in the future.
  2. Our Crews' choice had nothing to do with the ladies' appearance, but quite their performance and communication with another Customer onboard.
  3. Our staff have an obligation to uphold a safe environment onboard.

Clearly, we would have gone out of business a long time ago if we discriminated against beautiful women - or anyone for that matter. We carry 96 million Customers a year, and they're all beautiful in our eyes!"

But if the girls acted less like Britney (or Paris or Lindsay) they would have missed their big break into star dumb.

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