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Saturday, 22 March 2008

LIFE: Conquering the dark

LIFE: Conquering the dark-I didn’t know which way to go. Two identical tunnels faced me both dark and ominous; reminding me of an abyss. The tunnel behind me was also engulfed in darkness. As I sat in the tinny patch of light, I didn’t know what to do. There was no way I could go back. The dark had always terrified me. As for going forward, there was another twist; there was a big gap in the floor which I knew I couldn’t jump over, and to add to my terror, the pit was also pitch black.I didn’t know how I had gotten to this place of foreboding. I had just been following my big brother and now I was stuck. What if my family forgot me? What if they left without me? Was I going to spend the rest of my life here? Was I going to give up and die in a place where I would be forgotten? NO! I was going to see my family again. I was going to get out of this nightmare. I just had to swallow my fear, jump, close my eyes and run straight into one of the tunnels. Light would greet me at some point in the tunnel. My phobia was not going to get the best of me. I closed my eyes and pictured my parents; my mother with her warm smile, my father with his kind composed eyes. I thought of them and ran — straight into the darkness, I saw the gap and jumped. I was going to make it! I was going to see my family again.“No!” I gasped loudly. I had fallen just short of the distance needed to get to the other side. I was falling, this was it. It was then that a hand caught mine, saving me from certain death! I looked onto the face of my rescuer, and heaved a huge sigh of relief.From then on, darkness has never scared me. Yet no one believes me, no one believes my story to be true. Truthfully though, I don’t blame them. I mean who would believe that someone got lost and then got over their fear of darkness all in one go, especially if it happened in a fast food restaurant’s play area and you had nothing but a toddler’s word for it.
LIFE: Conquering the dark

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