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Tuesday 22 April 2008

The REAL Secrets To Building A High-Profit Infopreneur Business

The REAL Secrets To Building A High-Profit Infopreneur Business-I’m going to share the exact steps, thinking and process planning that goes on behind the scenes whenever an infopreneur launches a new product - so you too can use it to plan a project, create your own information product and start profiting from it.

It’s all done by tapping the very same resources anyone has access to on the Internet - all that’s needed is knowledge about how it works.


Niche research can be a tough task. You’ve probably heard it said that the best way to find a hot selling product is to look for a problem many people are facing, and then offer a solution.

One of the best ways to do this is through online forums, especially busy ones.

It’s hard to detail the best way to conduct such research. Visit the forum. Look for ‘hot’ threads - discussion topics that have a huge number of page views. As a rule of thumb, if a discussion has over 400 views in a day, or over 1,000 views in 3 days, it’s likely to have potential.

As you gain experience in a niche, you might even latch on potentially viable topics simply by seeing the title of the post and studying the nature of the responses other members offer.

When you see the same (or similar) questions being asked on the forum, instead of getting annoyed, see if there’s an opportunity you can tap. Study the nature of the discussion each time around - and see if any questions are common, if any issues keep cropping up regularly.


At its core, an information product is judged by one thing, and one thing alone - the quality and usefulness of the information inside it. Not by the fancy packaging, not by the method of delivery, not by the fancy graphics or glitzy programming… but by the stuff it offers.

And that’s good news - for you

If you have useful information, insider tips, practical experience or extensive knowledge about the topic under discussion, you probably have the kernel of your information product.

And even if you don’t have it, but know WHERE to find the information, you’re on the right track! Before taking the next step, think about the topics, questions, issues, problems cropping up in the discussion.

This entire process shouldn’t take too long, especially when you’re planning a short report. For a full-fledged ebook or ecourse, this process might take a bit longer - but still not more than an hour, tops. After all, all the research material is right there in the forum, within the discussions that attracted your interest in the niche!


This part is as easy or as difficult as you make it out to be. You could write a report yourself, or might find it easier to dictate and have it transcribed (or even offered as an audio product), or ghostwritten by someone else for a fee.

If you aren’t writing from personal knowledge or experience, you might spend some time doing research and reading, online or in your local library. How long you take to do it depends on your expertise, knowledge and depth of material you expect to share in your product.


One of the coolest things about forums is the amazing folks who will review your creation, offer constructive and extremely valuable feedback, and quickly give you lovely testimonials (if they are happy with what you’ve created) that you can use on your sales letter.

Ask for suggestions and critiques of just about anything - headline, sales letter, graphics, product - and you’ll get willing, useful and very insightful responses.

One word of caution, if you’ve never done this before… be very specific about what you’re looking for, and by when. There have been many times, early on, where I’ve only ended up giving away samples of my ebooks with little to show in return - because I wasn’t clear about ‘end points’


The nice thing about this approach is that the sales letter practically writes itself! While you’re researching your material, you’ll already know your prospect’s hot buttons… their biggest worries, toughest problems, most difficult hurdles. If you address them in your sales letter, it’s sure to convert enough of them into buyers.

The major issues in the discussion thread will become your copy bullets. The biggest 3 or 4 things will go into your headline. The problem becomes your lead-in to the sales letter. All that’s left is to throw in the price, guarantee and sprinkle in testimonials - and you’re done!

If you want to do this even better, include an opt-in form and create a multi-part autoresponder sequence or a PDF booklet that offers a sample of your information.

Then, set up your payment processor to accept credit cards, test out the entire process, and you’re ready to roll.


If you have a list (subscribers, clients, previous buyers), you could launch the report to them first. It’s always nice to get a few quick sales under your belt - and it validates your decision to pick that niche to go after.

It also gives you a chance to test the sales letter and process, fix any major glitches. What’s worse than having a non-converting sales page is driving a huge flood of traffic to it!

Once you’re reasonably satisfied with your sales conversions, it’s time to ramp things up - and offer your finished info-product to the audience that’s most likely to snap it up… the forum audience that first pointed you in the right direction!


Once you’ve got a HIT, run with it! Try all the marketing tactics you know. Test everything and see what works best. Keep trying and growing.

Joint ventures are a great way to extend the reach of a hot product. So are exclusive affiliate promotions - pick the big players in your niche and invite them to help you promote.

What’s GREAT about using this technique?

Just this… if you’re willing to work fast and furious, you can have your product ready, tested and validated, all within 24 hours!

With this speed, you can test 3, 4 or even more products EVERY WEEK! Just imagine - you can CRUSH any competition who will take weeks, if not months, to get this far.

The REAL Secrets To Building A High-Profit Infopreneur Business

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