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Thursday 27 March 2008


WOMBAT-I hate to drag the name of as cute a creature as the wombat — a furry Australian marsupial — through the mud, but there’s no other way to tell this story. A New Zealand man has been sentenced to 75 hours of community service after he called police and told them he was being raped by a wombat. He later called back to say that he was all right, except for having developed an Australian accent. The police prosecutor “told the court that alcohol played a large role” in the man’s life.

2nd News about wombat!
A New Zealand man who claimed he was raped by a wombat and that the experience left him speaking with an Australian accent has been found guilty of wasting police time.

Wombats are native to Australia and are not found in New Zealand. Although powerfully built and about the size of a small pig, they are very rarely dangerous. There are three species: the widely distributed common wombat and the much rarer southern and northern hairy-nosed wombats.


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